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Welcome !

This dashboard was developed as part of the CREST project by the Work Package 1 (WP1) team. It uses Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) from the U4SSC framework (United for Smart Sustainable Cities), an initiative led by the United Nations to help cities assess their performance in terms of sustainability and smart development. The U4SSC aims to provide decision-makers and stakeholders with clear and visual insights toward sustainability goals. By using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), users can:

  • Identify strengths and weaknesses across various domains (e.g., energy, transportation, air quality).
  • Compare performances between different cities under study.
  • Make informed decisions to improve overall outcomes.
  • Each tab in this dashboard corresponds to a specific studied city, displaying its performance according to the U4SSC’s indicators, using lollipop charts (Sunburst) and some value boxes. These visualizations make it easy to grasp the city’s progress toward sustainability and climate resilience, in compliance with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).‘’
How are the KPI computed ?
  • The base KPIs and targets are first computed using various data sources provided by partners.
  • We then calculate the “% of target” for each KPI. The formula will be different depending on the target type : “The higher the better”, “the lower the better” and taking into account some specificities (some KPIs are already calculated as ratios or percentages)
  • KPIs are converted to categories (and colors) using the U4SSC methodology :
Agregation rules

The results obtained have been scored based on four intervals, for each KPI and each presented data point:

  • 0-33% of target – 1 point;
  • 33-66% of target – 2 points;
  • 66-95% of target – 3 points;
  • 95% of target – 4 points.

The scores obtained for each KPI were summed up to establish a percentage score for categories, sub-dimensions, and dimensions and were presented based on the intervals above. KPI that were not presented or for which benchmark criteria (=target) have not yet been defined were not considered.

Example : A category has 4 KPIs and the scores correspond to 1, 3, 4, and 1 points. The total score is 9 points out of 16, which is 56.25%, presented within the corresponding interval of 33-66% of the target.

Indicators filled


Meet target


Far below target


Moderate progress


KPIs related to climate resilience

Emergency response

11 min.

Resilience plans

In progress

Population living in disaster prone area


Fire service (/100k inhab.)


Natural disaster related deaths


Disaster related economic losses



Indicators filled


Meet target


Far below target


Moderate progress


KPIs related to climate resilience

Emergency response

9.62 min.

Resilience plans


Population living in disaster prone area


Fire service (/100k inhab.)


Natural disaster related deaths


Disaster related economic losses



Indicators filled


Meet target


Far below target


Moderate progress


KPIs related to climate resilience

Emergency response


Resilience plans


Population living in disaster prone area


Fire service (/100k inhab.)


Natural disaster related deaths


Disaster related economic losses

